OTC 2023German Exhibitors Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH

Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH

Booth number: 5042-1

About us

The Hamburgische Schiffbau Versuchsanstalt GmbH, founded in 1913, is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit organisation providing research and consultancy services to the worldwide maritime industry. With its laboratories HSVA offers a large range of experimental investigations covering resistance and propulsion tests, seakeeping-, manoeuvring- and cavitation experiments for ships and “anything that floats”. The main facilities available at HSVA include the large hydrodynamics and cavitation tunnel (HYKAT), the large towing tank (300m x 18m x 6m) also featuring a side-wave generator for multi-directional wave making capabilities and the unique large ice model basin. In addition to its experimental facilities HSVA has pioneered maritime CFD development and applications for a long time. Today, a range of numerical services matching ship model basin standards are offered. Research plays an important role for the model basin. HSVA constantly invests in the development of new technologies and the research in maritime hydrodynamics.

HSVA Main Building

HSVA Premises


Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH
Bramfelder Str. 164
22305 Hamburg

Phone:  +49 40 69203-0

Contact person:

Nils Reimer
Division Manager Arctic Technology
E-mail: reimer@hsva.de
Phone: +49 40 69203435

Jan Lassen
Senior Project Manager, Senior Researcher Ships, Ship Dynamics
E-mail: lassen@hsva.de
Phone: +49 40 69203244

Products & Services

Technical, Laboratory and Computer Services
Ships, Boats, Vessels, Equipment
Safety, Environmental Protection and Regulatory Services
Offshore Platforms
Marine Equipment and Services
The Hamburg Ship Model Basin (HSVA) provides a variety of consulting and engineering services in the fields of ship design, offshore and Arctic technology. Services include ship hull form design with computational analysis (CFD), model testing and general consulting during development of ships or marine installations. Furthermore HSVA is a strong partner for experimental testing concepts for maritime or related industries. The experience and huge data base including results from numerous model tests and ship trials is used to optimize ships in an early design stage or to assess critical points in feasibility studies for offshore structures.

Model Testing

With its large scale testing facilities HSVA offers broad range of opportunities for experimental investigations.

This includes scale model testing for ships, offshore structures, for marine technology equipment and for principle investigations in marine science. Tests can be conducted in various environmental conditions including calm water, waves and ice with the latest experimental technology.

Overview HSVA Model Tesing Facilities

Testing of Semi-Submersible platform in waves

Ship Testing in Ice

Hydrodynamic Testing

Maneuvering Tests

Propeller Cavitation and Noise

Testing of Waves in Ice

Testing of Structure-Ice Interaction

Engineering Consulting and Computational Analyses (CFD)

HSVA applies state-of-the-art numerical simulation tools and optimisation procedures. This allows for the realization of complex target functions apart from the calm water performance only.
This may include

- Added resistance in waves
- Seakeeping performance related to different criteria
- Intact Stability
- Route specific performance assessment
- Alternative means of propulsion (e.g. wind assisted propulsion)

CFD of Ship Hydrodynamics

Propulsion Simulations

Simulations of Ships in Ice

Simulations of Ships in Waves

Experimental Equipment and Instrumentation

Based on our experience we offer to our customers the design and built of testing equipment in particular suitable for hydrodynamic model testing. We also provide reference models together with a set of reference measurements. In addition, we offer conceptual, hydrodynamic and mechanical designs for selected new facilities.

Test Equipment and Instrumentation

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